Personyze tracks everything that goes on inside of a monitored website. All visitor activity, visitor data, browsing history, and page events are analyzed to identify visitors belonging to specific audiences, so you can personalize their experience.

In the context of email marketing, this treasure trove of data can be used to identify the visitor’s interest, trigger the right Dynamic Email Action to send a scheduled sequence of personalized emails, reassign visitors to the right mailing list based on their interaction with each email and your website, and A/B test each Dynamic Email Action.


With Personyze’s Dynamic Email Action you can:

  1. Schedule an emailing sequence.

  2. Use Personyze data and the visitor’s Personyze profile to personalize each email.

  3. Dynamically Insert page content into each email.

  4. Adapt each email automation to the visitor’s interaction with each email and your website.

  5. Pre-assign an appropriate response to each email campaign’s performance.


To Schedule a mailing sequence:

  1. After defining an audience, click Add Action.

  2. Select Forms, remarketing emails > Send Email

  1. Create your email:

    1. Choose when will this email get sent out.

    2. Assign “From” and “Reply to” email addresses.

    3. Provide a Subject Line to appear in the visitor’s inbox.

    4. Use Personyze’s HTML Editor to create your email.

    5. Click “Save”

  2. Optionally assign alerts and/or associate the action with a page group.

  3. Name the action and click save.


Using the visitor Personyze profile and collected data to personalize an email:

  1. Within the HTML Editor, click on the “Insert Personyze Variable” button.

  2. Click on the ‘Variable’ dropdown button, and select the desired type of parameter:

    1. Session Data parameters – include all session, browser, and IP data automatically detected by Personyze.

    2. Such as the visitor’s geographic location, type of device, operating system, last URL, etc.

    3. User Data – includes the visitor’s inputs and all other data saved under the visitor’s social profile.

    4. Such as the visitor’s name, email, city, phone number, etc.

  3. Provide a default value to be inserted when no value exists for this particular visitor.

  4. (Optional): select the format of the dynamic data inserted into your Personalization Action.

  5. Clicking “Apply” to insert the parameter to be replaced into the desired location. This parameter will be replaced by the value when the Personalization Action is executed.


Inserting page content into an email from an existing grab data container:

  1. Click on the “Existing Container, ” in the ‘Insert page content and visitor data into this email’ section.

  2. Select the desired grab data container from the dropdown list.

  3. Select which value received by the container you wish to be extracted.

    1. “Current Page” will take the value from the last page that loaded in the visitor’s browser. Use this setting to insert the HTML content of an element on browsed page into your email.

    2. “Last Value” will take the last value received by that container.

    3. For example: the visitor’s text input into an input input field.

  4. Click “Add”

  5. Add a default value to be inserted when no value can be extracted by the grab data container.

  6. Copy the dynamically generated JavaSCript ‘key” and paste it at the location where you want your page content to appear.


Assigning an appropriate response to each email campaign’s performance.

At the bottom of the Dynamic Email Action setup( and every other Personalization Action) there is an ‘Alert’ feature. The Alert can:

  1. Send an email alerting that an action is underperforming,
  2. Automatically deactivate that action or audience when the visitor matches some audience( custom conditions are met).
  3. Or influence 3rd party apps via Webhook actions based on campaign performance.