See how to install Personyze tag on your site using embed code or Google tag manager
Learn how to set Personyze to show campaign content in a placeholder (embedded content) or as popups
Learn how to use Personyze TEST mode (sandbox) to preview campaigns before publishing them to all visitors
Learn how to use Personzye GDPR compliance settings
Setting your Personyze account to work with your SSO provider for a more secure and efficient user management
How to deliver targeted messages, promotions and content based on 70+ user attributes
How to show personalized products recommendation across the site utilizing visitors’ personal data combined with contextual recommendations and predictions based on crowd data from other visitors
How to show personalized content recommendation across the site utilizing visitors’ personal data combined with contextual recommendations and predictions based on crowd data from other visitors
How to target high-value accounts based on CRM data such as account type, product interests, or stage in the funnel, or data from third-party sources such as industry, company size, or revenue
How to boost confidence with various social proof widgets to encourage visitors to engage or buy, by showing that others like them did.
How to embed Personyze’s recommendations into your existing third-party email templates
How to A/B test anything from design ideas with the WYSIWYG Editor, to new promotions using our Banner & Popup Builder, different recommendation algorithms, or email types
How to send automated, personalized, and targeted emails that includes dynamic content and AI generated recommendations.
How to use Personyze client side JSON API, allows you to programmatically access Personyze recommendations by reading a JSON variable containing a set of personalized content recommendations
How to use Personyze client side JSON API, allows you to programmatically access Personyze recommendations by reading a JSON variable containing a set of personalized content recommendations
An overview of analytics metrics available in Personyze dashboard, form how to read banners performance to email performance
Reporting campaign performance to Google Analytics
See the recommendations data that Personyze use as a starting point when recommending items to visitors
See how you can upload past or offline transactions helps to enhance your recommendations and leverage transactional data from physical stores where customers can see the goods and consult with floor representatives.
See how to set Personyze to track whenever visitors interact with a product/article/video, and what type of interaction they’re having. This is crucial for Personyze to generate meaningful recommendations
See how to add a new user attribute or “profile field”, this will become available for targeting. For instance, when you add the date that a user created their account so you can target based on account one date
See how to set Personyze to grab visitor session data, such as cart value, number of items in the cart, visitor email, account value, etc., from your site. Once Personyze has extracted the information from the predefined element, it is become available for segmentation as every other visitor characteristic
Learn how to set interest data. We define ‘Interests’ as the broad categories that visitors find stimulating and desirable. And we use multiple ‘interests’ to match them with the most accurate recommendations possible. One advantage of ‘Interests’ is that it is not as narrow and restricting as products.
See how you can integrate your CRM data for better segmantion and enriching user dynamic variable for your creative
See how you can view the data behind the recommendations, such as what products are frequently bought together or viewed togethe and how you can edit the data to remove recommendations that you don’t want to show
See how to set tracking for your site conversions goals uch as downloading a map, printing a coupon, filling a form, solving a problem through the support pages; anything that creates profit, increases the likeliness of generating profit, or increases engagement.
Use GTM to run Personyze on your site and to integrate your GTM DataLayer into Personyze
Personyze is automatically reporting campaign performance to Google Analytics, by default, out-of-the-box. See how to read the data and how to turn this off if you wish
Personyze is a destination in Segment, and so can receive any data you may have routed through segment, for targeting and recommendations.
Import all Pardot customer variables for use in targeting and personalization, such as account type, stage in funnel, or any variable you use to track your customers and leads.
Supports all Tealium audiences and badges data, you can select in targeting UI Tealium audiences synyicng in realtime from your Tealium account.
Import all Hubspot customer variables for use in targeting and personalization, such as account type, stage in funnel, or any variable you use to track your customers and leads.
Supports all Leadfeeder ABM data such as company name, industry, account type, or any variable available for targeting and personalization.
Supports all Albacross third-party data such as company name, industry, account type, or any variable available for targeting and personalization.
Clearbit third-party ABM data such as company name, industry, account type, or any variable available for targeting and personalization.
Import all Zoho customer variables for use in targeting and personalization, such as account type, stage in funnel, or any variable you use to track your customers and leads.
ZoomInfo third-party ABM data such as company name, industry, account type, or any variable available for targeting and personalization.
Personyze’s website personalization plugin for WordPress allows you to easily implement the Personyze tag, which is all that’s required to make Personyze operational on a WordPress site, and also to skip several steps normally necessary to set up product recommendations for WooCommerce.